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About Us

Some of Our Key Ideas


As we live out Jesus’ narrative, our prayer is that - more than just having fun with us, hearing a good sermon, or singing with some moving worship - you will say, “I see Jesus here.”

Community Style


We strive to live as a participatory community:
• We participate in life-receiving community with God
• We participate in life-sharing community with our church
• We participate in life-giving community with the world

This participatory community goes beyond just supporting others as we can. It also pulls us to be vulnerably dependent on others as we have need - allowing community to come full circle.

Through this full-circle community, the narrative of Jesus comes to life.

Where We Start: Prayer

The first work of the Church is prayer.


“First of all, then, I urge that that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. Such prayer for all is good and welcomed before God our Savior, since he wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim. 2:1-5NET)

Key Values

• Love
Jesus not only left us with an exemplary life of love, but with a new command to live by: to be known to the world by our communal love.

• Wholeness
To most effectively live as the Church, we believe we must care - in a holistic manner - for our spiritual, emotional/mental, and physical health.

• Spiritual Healing
Inner pain and suffering runs rampant in and out of the greater Church - often caused by churches - and we work to be a place where spiritual healing can take place.

• Anticipation
As Narrative Church, we started with a core group of people who dared to anticipate what God’s unfolding story held for this community. Others have continued to come in who enjoy the community today while anticipating what is ahead for tomorrow, and the day after.


Most Sundays you will find us taking communion to mark the sacrifice of Christ and our communal, life-bringing time with God and one another. Often the most intimate of community has revolved around food. Food is life, and around life we find life with one another! 

At the Last Supper, it is from the communal bread and wine that Jesus reflected on the pinnacle work he was about to undertake for his community. His body would be broken like bread, and his blood would be poured out like wine. By these instruments, we remember and reflect on Jesus’ work for his Church.

Communion is open to all who wish to join us in taking it.


Giving of our resources, including time and money, is a voluntary act of worship, as we give back to God a portion of what God has given us. 

Money is well described as “boots on the ground.” Money is action. That action might be as simple as keeping the lights on in the church building, or it might help support foster kids locally, or dig a well on the other side of the world. 

Giving creates and sustains action, starting where we are plugged in and directly rely on others, proceeding outward to impact our community and our world.

11507 SW Pacific Hwy, Tigard, OR 97223


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©2023 by Narrative Church.

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