Narrative Church
From the day we are born, the world around us is full of narratives that fight for us or are inflicted upon us - narratives like fear, worthlessness, and anger.
God has an invitation to embrace a narrative that is unlike any the world offers, and he shared that narrative for the world to see through the life and death of Jesus - it is the narrative of Love.
At Narrative Church, the other narratives that compete over you come up against the Gospel narrative of your loving Creator, "You are the pinnacle of his creation, made in his image, he is not far from you or angry with you, but has always been with you, loving you, because you are worthy of Love."
Our Vision
As we live out Jesus’ narrative, our prayer is that - more than just having fun with us, hearing a good sermon, or singing with some moving worship - you will say,
“I see Jesus here.”